On Best Girl: Essays & Other Jazz
Get the deets on this lovely lady, along with a fairly healthy dose of my snide commentary (because I like to think I'm funny or something).
Crest of (Translation Error)
The Crest of Sincerity? That's actually Jyou's thing. Fans who have watched the series in its original Japanese often refer to her crest as the Crest of Purity. So what went wrong?
Fun, Feminine, Flirtatious
Mimi is the token bishoujo, but there's more than meets the eye. It's her way or the highway!
Purely Suggestive
Or when the Digimon franchise cashes in on Mimi's innocence and turns her into the series' sex icon. Yeah, you heard me right.
Selfish is the New Cute
Mimi's most prominent internal struggle is to overcome her selfishness, but not the selfishness that you're probably thinking of. Being a kikokushijo probably doesn't help, either. A lengthy essay on--you guessed it--more cultural/translation stuff.
Friends Are Forever
Because Romance is overrated. Mimi's got some amazing friendships built over the course of the series. And by series, I mean, more than 100 episodes and countless films. Honestly, who doesn't want to be her friend? She's got her priorities in the right place.