First off, much thanks goes to the website, Silent Tweak for providing the Crisis Core cutscene videos and a translation of the Japanese script up for viewing. Without the media provided there, much of this site would be visually empty.
A huge thanks to Felicia, Stacey Anne, and Janice for helping out and giving a few pointers during the site's development. I can't thank them enough for the feedback, especially when it came to the Aeris/Aerith spelling dilemna. Also, to Fiona for pointing out a few typos for me.
For my friend Ale, who was kind enough to haul over her Ultimanias and engage in some amazing game-related discussions over the years. I wouldn't know what I would do if it weren't for her extensive knowledge in Japanese language, and being able to provide translations for me time to time. She is also one of the more knowledgeable people that I know of in the Crisis Core department, so she reminds me of details that I have tended to forget about.
Lastly, I would like to thank my friend Adrian, who had almost single-handedly started this all. He made me rethink and appreciate Zack and Aerith's relationship much more than I ever had. He gave me new insight on specific events that occured during Crisis Core that I used when completing essays written at this site.